Saturday, 10 August 2013

More from the website

Following off from the last post I was reading more of the website and it said that used 'possum control' and killed all the possums and that was why the tree was healthy again.
Once again I say this is a childrens website! now you are promoting killing the possums!
and then even further on it talks about baiting and trapping to get rid of the possums!
It clearly states that it wants to kill the possums!
baiting and trapping!
Could they not have said something like 'unfortunately the possums had to be moved'
Think about it like this, mice, people often think of them as vermin (I disagree) but they are often adored household pets. I am not saying that possums should be kept as pets, I am saying that they are not verin, they are beautiful living, breathing creatures.
Please if you convince people to think of them this way it will make a difference.

Miki Bluethorn

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